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Colvin Cleaners 21st Annual Coats for Kids Campaign Distributes Over 5,000 Coats

Paul Billoni

KENMORE, NY (January 18, 2017)—The 21st annual Coats for Kids campaign, sponsored by Colvin Cleaners, distributed a record 5,350 winter coats, along with hats gloves and scarves for local children in need, according to Paul A. Billoni, President and Owner of Colvin Cleaners, Inc. Since its inception, Colvin Cleaners has distributed over 80,000 coats.

“We were concerned about the number of donated coats we would have this year because of the unusually warm fall, but as usual, Western New Yorkers came out in force with donations of new or gently used winter coats for our two major distributions,” Billoni said. “We would like to thank everyone who assisted us this year. The smile on the face of a youngster who picks out a warm coat is priceless.”

Colvin Cleaners distributed coats from its warehouse at 2375 Elmwood Ave., Kenmore and at the True Bethel Baptist Church with the coordination of Bishop Darius G. Pridgeon.

Each year, Colvin Cleaners collects new or gently used warm winter coats, hats, scarves and gloves for anyone from toddlers to young adults for families in need. The items are cleaned and organized by their sizes for distribution by the staff at Colvin Cleaners and many volunteers.

Colvin Cleaners would like to thank the following companies, organizations and schools for collecting coats for the campaign this year: Dash’s Market, True Bethel Baptist Church, Larkin Square, Merchants Insurance, Rich Products Corp., The Boulevard Mall, UPD Dental and many local schools and churches who collected from employees, students and congregation members.

“This campaign is so important to our community and our staff looks forward to it every year because it is so worthwhile to assist families select a coat or pick out a pair of gloves that will keep them warm this winter. When they smile and say thank you, it puts tears in your eyes,” Billoni explained.

For more information on Colvin Cleaners, visit

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